MetaTrader 4 FAQ
Possible solutions:
1. Incorrect login or password:
- You may have entered the wrong login (account number) or password.
- If you forgot your password, check the Account info in the Dashboard.
- Passwords are case-sensitive. Ensure your password is entered correctly, including any symbols and uppercase/lowercase letters. Copy-pasting the password is usually the easiest way to ensure accuracy.
2. Server names for different account types:
- Demo accounts: The server name must be " AdmiralsGroup-Demo" for Trade.MT4 type accounts.
- Real accounts: - For Trade.MT4 accounts, the server name must be "AdmiralsGroup-Live", "AdmiralsGroup-Live2", or "AdmiralsGroup-Live3". If you're unsure of your server name, please check the Account info in the Dashboard. - For Zero.MT4 type accounts, use " AdmiralsGroup-Live3".
- You can switch servers by selecting them from the drop-down menu.
3. Login details:
- The Login for MetaTrader 4 is the trading account number.
- To trade, use the Trader's password received when you opened your account. Do not use the Investor password, which only allows viewing.
- Ensure your Login and Password do not contain any spaces or gaps before or after them.
If you're experiencing connection problems, you can enter the DNS string into the server field instead of the server name in the login window:
For MetaTrader 4
Live: or
Live3: or
This means that your real account hasn't been activated yet. In order to activate your account for trading, a required minimum sum should be deposited to it . See Account Types for minimum deposit details. Demo accounts do not require activation. Contest accounts are activated automatically at the beginning of the contest.
Possible solutions:
- Please check your internet connection, there may be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Try to surf web pages which are hosted in various countries around the world. If some pages cannot be opened, contact your ISP's Technical Support.
- Try to disable or reconfigure your antivirus and/or firewall software that is installed on your computer, it may be blocking some internet connections from MT4. The internet communication ports 443 and 444 should be opened and available to the terminal.exe application. If opening these ports doesn't help, you can try to completely disable the firewall/antivirus and restart your PC.
- If you are trading from your work PC, the connection to the internet may pass through a proxy-server. Please ask your System Administrator to provide you with the proxy server's details such as IP address, type of proxy and port. You should then enter this data into your MetaTrader 4 terminal ("Tools" menu > Options > Server > Enable proxy server > Proxy).
- Please ask your System Administrator about availability of ports in your office network. If ports 443 and 444 are closed, you won't be able to use MetaTrader 4 terminal. You can ask your System Administrator to open these ports.
Possible solutions:
- The trading session for this financial instrument have not started yet. Please check the trading hours indicated on this table (click on any instrument to see further details).
- If you are trying to buy or sell a Futures Contract, it's possible that it has expired and trading is closed. Sometimes, around 1-2 days before the expiration date, the Future Contracts might be switched to "close only" status, hence opening new trades will be prohibited.
- Try restarting your trading platform.
You will receive such an error if there is not enough free funds ("Free margin") available on your trading account. Please check from Trader's Calculator to the amount of margin is required for a particular trading instrument and calculate the standard or hedged margin for all of your open positions. If you see that there is not enough money to open a new position, you can close some of your existing positions or deposit additional funds to your trading account.
Please allow a little time and try again, either your previous order has not been executed yet or the trading server has not received it because of a possible problem with your internet connection. Restarting the MT4 terminal may help resolve the issue.
When MT4 is running, look toward the bottom and you will see several tabs - Trade | Account History | News | Alerts | etc – select the 'Account History' tab, right-click in the open space and select 'All History'. You should now be able to see all of the transactions performed on the account.
Please navigate to the "Account history" tab toward the bottom of your MT4 window and select the "Save as Detailed Report" option from the right-click menu.
How to interpret the Detailed Report:
Total net profit — the financial result of all trades. This parameter represents the difference between "Gross profit" and "Gross loss";
Gross profit — the sum of all profitable trades in monetary units;
Gross loss — the sum of all unprofitable trades in monetary units;
Profit factor — the ratio between the gross profit and the gross loss in percentages. A ratio of one means that these sums are equal;
Expected payoff —the calculated expectation of profit. This parameter is calculated statistically and represents the average profit / loss factor of one trade. It can also hint toward the expected profitability / unprofitability of the next trade;
Absolute drawdown — the difference between the amount of the initial deposit and minimum balance below the deposit;
Maximal drawdown — the largest loss of the local maximum in the deposited currency and in a percentage of the deposit;
Total trades — the total amount of trades conducted;
Short positions (won %) — the amount of short positions and the profit percentage thereof;
Long positions (won %) — the amount of long positions and the profit percentage thereof;
Profit trades (% of total) — the amount of profitable trade positions and their part of the total trades, in percentages;
Loss trades (% of total) — the amount of unprofitable trade positions and their part of the total trades, in percentages;
Largest profit trade — the largest profit among all profitable positions;
Largest loss trade — the largest loss among all unprofitable positions;
Average profit trade — the average profit value within a trade (the sum of profits divided by the amount of profitable trades);
Average loss trade — the average loss value within a trade (the sum of losses divided by the amount of unprofitable trades);
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money) — the longest series of profitable trade positions and the sum of their profits;
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money) — the longest series of unprofitable trade positions and the sum of their losses;
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins) — the maximum profit within one series of profitable trades and the corresponding amount of profitable trades;
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses) — the maximal loss within one series of unprofitable trades and the corresponding amount of unprofitable trades;
Average consecutive wins — the average amount of profitable positions in a consecutive profitable series;
Average consecutive loss — the average amount of unprofitable positions in a consecutive unprofitable series.
The trading platform indicates the EET (GMT+2 or GMT+3 during Daylight Savings). No, it can not be changed, nor does it influence charting.
Charts in MetaTrader 4 are generated using Bid prices only; Sell orders are executed at Ask prices (you can see the both prices in MT4's "Market Watch" window). The difference between these prices is the spread. Please take this into consideration when placing pending orders. Side note: chart window only shows one price line by default - Bid. To see Ask line as well right-click chart and go properties (or press F8), switch to "common" tab and tick "show Ask line" box.
You can manually input any volume you want, starting from 0.01 Lots and with the incremental step of 0.01 Lots. For example, you can input "0.12" or "0.03", which solves the possible problem without answering the question.
In order to see the full list of available instruments, please select the "Show All Symbols" option from the right-click menu in the "Market Watch" window. It is recommended to repeat this procedure at least once a month, because new contracts are added regularly and some expired contracts (i.e. futures) are removed from the list.
Trade.MT4 account uses a different stream feed than Standard. When selecting instruments from Market Watch window, make sure they come with -pro suffix. For example, EUR/USD-Pro instead of EUR/USD.
The PC version of the MT4 client can operate on all Microsoft Windows based operating systems. A preinstalled emulated MAC version of MT4 is also available. Hardware requirements will differ between operating systems but any modern well maintained PC should not experience any performance issues. As a general guideline the following minimum specifications should be met:
- 2.0 GHz or faster CPU
- 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
- Screen resolution 1024x768 or higher
- Modem/connection speed 36.6 Kbps or faster – A stable high-speed connection is highly recommended.
If you have already signed up and have opened a real or demo account (received your login/password), we recommend you download and install the MT4 client from our website, it's the easiest and most convenient way since all of our server addresses are already integrated, you need only launch the client and connect to your trading account.If any other version of the MT4 client has already been installed to your computer, you can use it for trading on Admirals. Please use the following server addresses in order to connect to an Admirals account. You can enter any of these addresses in the File > Login [Server] or in Tools > Options [Server] text fields. Servers for real/live accounts (AdmiralMarkets-Live*): or (Trade.MT4). or (Zero.MT4).
Servers for demo accounts (AdmiralMarkets-Demo*): (Trade.MT4). (Zero.MT4).
Despite the fact that Admirals places great importance on the stability and security of its trading systems, there is always a possibility of unforeseen errors or failures occurring as internet connections and other technological systems can be vulnerable to malfunction.
In such cases, Admirals highly recommends that all clients familiarise themselves with the additional trading mediums available, such as installing the trading platform on another laptop / PC or downloading a mobile trading platform application on a tablet / smartphone.
In the unlikely event of Admirals' online trading facilities malfunctioning or being otherwise unavailable, Admirals provides (as a contingency measure only) a phone dealing service for the execution of trading orders.
Admirals phone dealing service is available on a 24-hour basis from Monday to Friday at +372 6 309 306. The phone dealing service is provided in English, Estonian or Russian only.
Any client who would like to use the phone dealing service will be identified by an Admirals dealer prior to any orders being modified. The client must provide their Account Number (MetaTrader account opened with Admirals) and Phone Dealing Password. A dealer will not modify or carry out any orders until a client has been properly identified.