10-year US Treasury Note Futures CFD (US 10Yr T-Note)
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Počnite investirati US 10Yr T-Note
Iskoristite pristup globalnim financijskim tržištima i investirajte u najpopularnije financijske instrumente uz povoljne uvjete
Trgujte bilo kada sa bilo kojeg mjesta
Nemojte propustiti dobre prilike
Počnite sa samo 100 EUR
Informacije o instrumentima
Minimalna margina, %
0.5 (Retail - 20)
Minimum Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain a 1-lot position with the lowest margin requirements.
Provizija, USD
Naknada - Naknada za uslugu za izvršavanje pojedinačne transakcije, tj. otvaranje ili zatvaranje pozicije na instrumentu. Ovisno o instrumentu, naknada se može postaviti u postotku vrijednosti trgovine ili u paušalnoj stopi po dionici.
Symbol – the instrument ticker in the trading platform.
Minimalni spread, USD
Minimalni spread – najniža vrijednost fluktuirajućeg spreada, izražen u pipovima. Pip - za instrumente na Forexu kojima je cijena kotirana na 5 decimalnih mjesta, (npr. GBPUSD - 1.32451), 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 0.00010; za instrumente na Forexu kotirane na 3 decimalna mjesta (npr. USDJPY - 101.522), 1 pip je jednak pomaku cijene od 0.010. Za spot metale 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 0.01. Za indekse i kriptovalute, 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 1.0. Za ostale instrumente, 1 pip je jednak veličini ticka "tick size".
Tipični spread, USD
Tipični spread – tipična vrijednost fluktuirajućeg spreada u normalnim tržišnim uvjetima (za indekse - tipična vrijednost spreada u vrijeme kad je otvorena burza na kojoj se trguje dionicama koje su uključene u vrijednost indeksa), izražena u pipovima. Pip - za instrumente na Forexu kojima je cijena kotirana na 5 decimalnih mjesta, (npr. GBPUSD - 1.32451), 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 0.00010; za instrumente na Forexu kotirane na 3 decimalna mjesta (npr. USDJPY - 101.522), 1 pip je jednak pomaku cijene od 0.010. Za spot metale 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 0.01. Za indekse i kriptovalute, 1 pip je jednak pomaku od 1.0. Za ostale instrumente, 1 pip je jednak veličini ticka "tick size".
Minimalna udaljenost Limit / Stop naloga, USD
Limit / Stop Levels – minimum distance from the current price for placement of pending orders in normal market conditions.
Najmanji pomak cijene
Tick Size – the minimum increment of the price.
Vrijednost jednog lota, Obveznice
Lot Size – a quantity of the underlying asset units in a single standardized contract (1.0 Lots).
Minimalna veličina naloga (u lotovima)
Minimum Contract Size – the minimum contract size for opening a position. Lot – the standardized contract for a certain amount of units of the underlying asset (e.g. 100 barrels of crude oil, 100 troy oz of gold or 100,000 units of the base currency).
Maksimalna veličina ugovora (u lotovima)
Maximum Contract Size The maximum contract size for opening a position Lot The standardized contract for a certain amount of units of the underlying asset (e.g. 100 barrels of crude oil, 100 troy oz of gold or 100,000 units of the base currency).
Povećanje veličine naloga (u lotovima)
Contract Step – the minimum increment of the contract above the minimum contract size level. Lot – the standardized contract for a certain amount of units of the underlying asset (e.g. 100 barrels of crude oil, 100 troy oz of gold or 100,000 units of the base)
Vrijednost pipa pri minimalnoj veličini naloga, USD
Pip Value Per Minimum Contract – a value of the minimum price increment for a position with the lowest available contract size. Pip – for Forex instruments quoted to the 5th place following the decimal point (e.g. GBPUSD – 1.32451), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.00010; for Forex instruments quoted to the 3rd place following the decimal point (e.g. USDJPY – 101.522), 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.010. For spot metals 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 0.01. For indices 1 pip is equal to a price increment of 1.0, which is also called an Index Point. For other instruments 1 pip is equal to Tick Size.
Datum isteka
Expiration Date – last trading day for a futures CFD contract.
Trading status
Full access
Trading status shows whether the instrument is generally available for trading and if any restrictions apply.
H, M, U, Z
Contract Months – the months when the next futures CFD contract is made available for trading.
Where H - March, M - June, U - September and Z - December.
Minimalna hedžirana margina, %
0.25 (Retail - 10)
Minimum Hedged Margin – the amount of funds required to open and maintain two offsetting 1-lot positions (Buy and Sell) with the lowest margin requirements.
Trgovačka platforma
Metatrader 5
Trading Platform – a trading software required to start trading this instrument.
Radno vrijeme tržišta
01:00 - 23:59 Mon - Fri; pre-close margining from 22:00 Fri
EET – trading hours in Eastern European Time (GMT+2, summer - GMT+3).
NB! Please note that holding a position in this instrument does not result in accrued rights for receiving a coupon payment. Please also note that open positions are subject to closing out (liquidation) on the last dealing price upon expiry of the underlying futures contract (see Expiration Date in the table above).